On a Budget? 6 Tips to Eat Healthy Without Breaking the Bank

When you’re juggling work, family, and the countless bills that keep rolling in – especially with inflation — it can sometimes feel like healthy eating is an unattainable dream. But guess what? It’s time to shatter that myth! 

Eating well without draining your wallet or your energy is within your grasp. You don’t have to shop solely at Whole Foods or Trader Joes to get the best of the best. Eating healthy on a budget is definitely possible with some thoughtful planning and smart choices. Here are six simple tips to help you eat nutritious meals without breaking the bank:

1. Embrace Meal Planning

Before heading to the grocery store, plan your meals for the week. This simple yet powerful practice not only prevents you from staring blankly into the fridge, wondering what to cook, but it also saves you from those spontaneous and often unhealthy takeout orders. When you sit down to plan your meals, aim for variety. Include a variety of nutrient-dense foods like whole grains, lean proteins, fruits and vegetables.

Pro Tip: Consider what you already have in your pantry, fridge and freezer to reduce waste and save even more. Take stock of your staples, like canned tomatoes, pasta or spices and incorporate them into your meal plans. This way, you’ll avoid doubling up on items and maximize your grocery budget.

2. Buy in Bulk

Purchase non-perishable items in bulk, such as rice, beans, lentils and whole grains. Buying in larger quantities is often more cost-effective and can reduce the frequency of grocery shopping trips. 

You don’t need a Sam’s Club, Costco or warehouse membership to buy bulk. You know that intimidating aisle in the grocery store with all the containers of coffee beans and random dry goods that you usually skip over? That’s the bulk section and it’s calling you! Check it out on your next visit to the grocery store. 

3. Buy Seasonal and Local Produce

Focus on buying fruits and vegetables that are in season and locally grown. They are often fresher and more affordable than out-of-season or imported produce. Check local farmers’ markets for budget-friendly options.

Opt for frozen or canned fruits and vegetables when fresh options are expensive or not in season. These items are often more affordable and have a longer shelf life. Just be sure to choose products without added sugars or excessive sodium.

4. Protein Alternatives

Eating well on a budget doesn’t mean sacrificing protein. There are plenty options to boost your protein intake without breaking the bank. 

Incorporate cost-effective protein sources such as beans, lentils, eggs and canned fish (like tuna or salmon) into your diet. These alternatives not only offer essential nutrients but also help trim your grocery expenses. Incorporate them into your meals for a healthy and budget-conscious diet that doesn’t compromise on taste or nutrition.

5. Batch It…Cook It…Freeze It!

Save money — and time — by preparing meals in larger quantities and freezing portions for later. Imagine coming home after a long, exhausting day and finding a ready-made, homemade meal in your freezer. No need to resort to pricey takeout or unhealthy convenience foods. 

Another plus, batch cooking helps reduce food waste. When you prepare meals in larger quantities, you’re less likely to have leftover ingredients that go to waste. So, it’s an eco-friendly and budget-friendly way to shop and eat.

So, what should you batch cook? Soups, stews and casseroles are excellent choices. They not only taste delicious when reheated but also tend to freeze well.

6. Try to Avoid Processed Foods

Believe it or not, processed and convenience foods can be more expensive and less nutritious than whole, unprocessed options. Fresh ingredients not only pack a punch in terms of health benefits, but they can also be easier on your wallet in the long run.

Stick to the perimeter of the grocery store where fresh produce, meats, and dairy are typically located. Try to cook at home as much as possible to have better control over the ingredients in your meals. Your taste buds, your wallet — and your gut — will thank you for choosing the fresh, unprocessed route!

The Bottom Line…

Remember, staying within a budget while eating healthy involves making conscious choices and prioritizing nutrient-dense foods. With a little planning and creativity, you can maintain a nutritious diet without overspending.

A bit of planning goes a long way. Sketch out your meals, grab the ingredients you need, and boom, you’re a budget-friendly meal-prep pro. It’s not just about saving money; it’s about making your grocery runs a bit more intentional. So, here’s to smart choices, tasty meals, and a little extra cash in your pocket — your ticket to a thriving, wallet-friendly kitchen. Cheers to keeping it practical and nutritious!

10 Tips for Breaking Through Your Weight Loss Plateau

You’re working out, eating well, the weight is coming off. And then….NOTHING. Your results stop to a dead halt. Welcome to the world of the dreaded plateau! And yes, weight loss plateaus are the worst. 

We get it, plateaus can be frustrating, but don’t give up just yet! Breaking through a weight loss plateau is a common challenge for just about everybody, no matter your level of fitness, and we’re here to help you overcome it! 

In this blog, we’ll share 10 valuable tips to kick-start your progress and get those scales moving in the right direction.

1. Mix Up Your Workouts

Variety is the spice of life, and it’s also the key to breaking through your weight loss plateau. When it comes to exercise, your body loves a challenge. Over time, it adapts to the same routines, causing your progress to stall. 

To break through the plateau, experiment with different workouts. For example, if you usually do steady-state cardio, try incorporating high-intensity interval training (HIIT) sessions. HIIT can kickstart your metabolism and help you burn more calories in less time. 

And don’t forget the power of strength training! Building muscle not only enhances your physique but also revs up your metabolism, making it easier to shed those stubborn pounds.

2. Check Your Calorie Count

If you’ve been sticking to the same calorie intake for an extended period, it’s time for a change! Your body’s energy needs can fluctuate, especially as you lose weight. Your metabolism can slow down during weight loss, so you probably need to adjust your daily calorie intake. 

If you need help, consult with a registered dietitian or nutritionist. They can help you set realistic goals and create a sustainable meal plan that supports your weight loss journey.

3. Increase Your Protein Intake

Protein is your weight loss ally and your secret weapon in the battle against the plateau. It keeps you feeling full, preserves lean muscle mass, and helps your body burn more calories during digestion. 

Make sure you’re getting enough lean protein sources like chicken, fish, tofu, beans and Greek yogurt in your diet. A protein-rich diet can help you maintain your muscle mass and reduce the chances of losing lean tissue during your weight loss journey.

4. Stay Hydrated

Water is crucial for your body to function properly. And it plays a significant role in weight loss. Sometimes, thirst is mistaken for hunger, leading to unnecessary snacking. 

Think outside the box — you don’t have to limit yourself to just plain old water. Infuse your fruit with fruit or veggies, or grab some flavored water or even a seltzer. These are all good options to help you stay happily hydrated. Aim to drink at least 8 glasses a day to stay on track. 

5. Get Plenty of Sleep

Quality sleep can make or break you — it’s essential for your overall health and well-being. Think of sleep as the nightly reset for your mind and body. This is when your body repairs and regenerates. It’s also a time when your metabolism gets to work burning fat. 

Create a sleep-friendly environment by dimming the lights, keeping the room cool, and banishing electronic devices at least an hour before bed. Shoot for 7-9 hours of uninterrupted, quality sleep each night to ensure your body is in its best condition for weight loss.

6. Manage Your Stress Levels

High stress levels can send your healthy habits into a tailspin, and open the door to emotional eating and unhealthy cravings. 

To combat stress, throw a bit of mindfulness into your daily routine. It could be a laid-back yoga session, a moment to clear your head through meditation, or just a casual stroll in the neighborhood. 

A relaxed mind is better equipped to make healthy choices. So, when life gets a bit too chaotic, remember, it’s not just about handling stress; it’s about navigating it with a bit more ease. 

7. Track Your Progress

Keeping track of your journey is a powerful motivator. Why, you ask? Because seeing your wins laid out in front of you is like a power-up for motivation. It’s not just about numbers on a screen or words on a page; it’s a visual celebration of your hard work.

Use a fitness app, a journal, or before-and-after photos to monitor your progress. And when you’re tempted to skip that next workout, take a peek at your progress for some instant motivation. It’s a reminder of how far you’ve come and how much further you can go.

8. Plan Your Meals Accordingly

Meal planning can help you make better food choices and keep you from impulsive snacking. And it’s a lifesaver when it comes to maintaining a healthy diet. 

Prepare your meals and snacks ahead of time to stay on track with your goals. Planning helps prevent impulsive, less healthy choices, making it easier to stick to your weight loss goals. Try to create a weekly meal plan and prepare as much as you can ahead of time.

9. Eat Mindfully

Eating mindfully means paying full attention to the food you’re consuming. Basically, slow down and savor your meals. Eating mindfully can help you recognize your body’s hunger and fullness cues, which can help prevent you from overeating. 

Also, avoid eating in front of the TV or computer, and instead, focus on your meal. Enjoy each bite, and you’ll find that you naturally consume less.

10. Seek Support

Weight loss plateaus can be discouraging, but you don’t have to tackle your weight loss plateau alone. Sharing your challenges and successes with others can provide motivation and accountability. 

Join a fitness community, find a workout buddy, or seek support from friends and family. A little encouragement can go a long way.

The Bottom Line…

Picture this: a version of yourself that’s not just overcoming the plateau but SMASHING THROUGH IT! By mixing up your workouts, checking your calorie count, and increasing your protein intake, you’re not just breaking barriers — you’re on your way to building a stronger, healthier you.

Remember, breaking through a weight loss plateau takes time and patience. Stay consistent, make these tips a part of your daily routine, and you’ll be on your way to reaching your fitness goals. Don’t give up, and keep pushing forward. You’ve got this!

Apple Cider Punch

It’s that time of year when the air gets crispier and everything’s suddenly pumpkin-spiced. But we’ve got something a little different and whole lot better to spice up your fall— our Apple Cider Punch featuring our Natural BCAA in Candy Apple!

Imagine your classic apple cider with a twist— one that not only tickles your taste buds but also gives your body a little boost. Boost recovery, hydration and strength to build lean muscle with our delicious formula you won’t get enough of!

Grab your Natural BCAA and give this quick, easy recipe a try this season!


1 serving Natural BCAA – Candy Apple

1 cup apple cider

1/2 cup orange juice

Ginger ale

Apple slices

Orange slices

Cinnamon sticks


  1. Combine Natural BCAA, apple cider and orange juice in a large pitcher
  2. Toss in sliced apples, oranges and cinnamon sticks. Refrigerate for at least one hour.
  3. When ready to serve, add ginger ale and pour over glasses filled with ice.
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5 Reasons Why Your Intermittent Fasting Routine Isn’t Working For You

So, you’ve bought into the intermittent fasting craze, but you’re not seeing any of the weight loss magic? Don’t worry — if intermittent fasting is not working for you, I’m here with the true tea on how you can optimize your IF routine! 

What you may not realize is that intermittent fasting is not a one-size-fits-all diet. There’s actually a method to the intermittent fasting madness. So, let’s dive into the nitty-gritty and uncover the five sneaky reasons your intermittent fasting groove may be a bit off-key. 

1. Diving in Head-First Without a Plan

Committing to intermittent fasting is no walk in the park. It takes dedication, sacrifice and most importantly, A PLAN. Don’t think you’re just going to wake up one day and decide to successfully undertake intermittent fasting if you haven’t completely thought it through.

First, you need to take a long hard look at your current diet. If you’re not following basic healthy food habits, intermittent fasting is not going to give you the results you desire. Then get your diet in check with healthy protein, and whole fruits and veggies, or your intermittent fasting plan may backfire. 

2. Breaking Your Fast With Junk Food

Intermittent fasting is a great method to help reset your gut and aid digestion. But it’s not just about when you eat, but what you eat. Intermittent fasting does not give you a pass to indulge in whatever you want — that’s if you want results.

Your body is ripe for nutrition after fasting, and introducing ultra-processed and unhealthy food to your gut microbiome is a recipe for disaster. Plus it totally defeats your purpose. Do your gut — and yourself — a favor and replenish your gut with nutritious whole foods.

3. Not Packing on the Protein

Your body needs protein more than ever when you’re restricting your body of calories in a fasting state. Experts have already proven that protein helps you stay fuller for longer, which will certainly help during your fasting periods. Plus protein is essential for maintaining muscle mass — which is crucial if you’re going to restrict calories. 

You should aim to eat meals high in lean animal and/or plant sources of protein such as poultry, fish, eggs, legumes or tofu once you break your fast. 

4. Drinking Plain Ol’ Water During Fasting Periods

Staying hydrated is essential when you’re fasting, but you don’t have to restrict yourself to just plain water. Mineral water will help your electrolyte balance in addition to keeping you hydrated. Flavored water and seltzer are also good if you want to switch it up. But if you don’t have those at hand, you can always throw a piece of fruit in plain water for some refreshing, flavorful infused water.

You can also have zero-calorie beverages like coffee, tea (hold the cream and sugar!) and electrolyte beverages, which bring added health benefits like enhanced energy and focus that may help with your fast. But at the end of the day, all of the above help you stay full, which will help you curb hunger and stick to your fast. 

5. Intense Exercise…At the Wrong Time

No one is saying that you shouldn’t exercise during your fasting periods. Actually, experts say that exercising in a fasting state can help skyrocket your metabolism and burn even more fat. 

But, as with everything in life, you must find balance. 

Remember that your body needs energy to smash through a workout – energy that you get from food. And after fasting for 10 hours, your body has a limited energy supply. So you may not be able to go hard at the same level as you would if you were loaded up with food energy prior to your workout. So you may have to adjust. Set realistic expectations and consider whether you should exercise before, during or after your eating window.

The Bottom Line…

In the world of intermittent fasting, success doesn’t come with a one-size-fits-all approach. If you’ve been wondering why your intermittent fasting routine isn’t delivering the promised results, it’s time to reflect on the finer details. 

Crafting a solid plan, being mindful of what breaks your fast, embracing protein like it’s your fasting BFF, choosing hydrating options beyond plain water, and timing your workouts intelligently — these are the subtle keys to unlocking the full potential of intermittent fasting. It’s not just about the when, but the how, and with these insights, you’re equipped to tweak your routine for optimal results.
So, go ahead, recalibrate your intermittent fasting groove, and let the journey to a healthier you unfold with precision. Cheers to a more strategic fasting adventure!

Traveling? Here’s 5 Tips to Stay on Track with Your Diet and Exercise Routine

The holidays are approaching, the weather is changing and many of us are gearing up to hit the road! We know how important it is to maintain a healthy lifestyle, but it can be quite a challenge when you’re traveling. The good news is, it’s absolutely possible to stay on track with your diet and exercise routine even when you’re away from home and on the go.

Whether you’re going on a short road trip or a cross-country tour, we have five practical tips to help you maintain your fitness goals on the go. Let’s dive in!

1. Plan Ahead: Know Your Destination

The first step in ensuring you stay on track with your diet and exercise routine when traveling is to plan ahead. Do a little research on your destination. Are there gyms or fitness centers nearby? What are the local food options like?

Knowing what’s available can help you make informed choices. If there’s no gym nearby, look into bodyweight workouts and outdoor activities you can enjoy in your new environment.

2. Pack Healthy Snacks

Packing a stash of healthy snacks is a game-changer. While you’re out and about exploring, you’re bound to get hungry, and when you’re hungry, unhealthy food options become tempting.

Having snacks like nuts, seeds, protein bars, and dried fruits in your bag can help you avoid making impulsive, less healthy choices.

3. Stay Hydrated

Traveling can be dehydrating, and sometimes we mistake thirst for hunger, leading us to eat more than we should.

Make it a point to stay hydrated throughout your journey by carrying a reusable water bottle. Drinking enough water can help you maintain your energy levels and control your appetite.

4. Use Fitness Apps

There’s an app for everything, including fitness! Download fitness apps that offer guided workouts or track your progress. Many of them require minimal or no equipment, making them perfect for travelers.

Whether you prefer yoga, HIIT, or strength training, you can find an app to suit your preferences and schedule.

5. Be Mindful of Your Portions

When you’re trying local cuisine or dining out frequently, it’s easy to overindulge. Being mindful of portion sizes is crucial to maintaining your diet on the road.

You can enjoy the local flavors but consider sharing dishes with your travel companions or ordering appetizers instead of full-sized entrees. Also, don’t hesitate to ask for healthier cooking methods, like grilling or steaming, if possible.

Bonus Tip: Go Sightseeing!

Make the most of your travel experience by incorporating active sightseeing. Explore the destination by walking, hiking, or biking instead of relying on taxis or public transportation.

Not only will you get some exercise, but you’ll also discover hidden gems that you might miss otherwise.

The Bottom Line…

In conclusion, staying on track with your diet and exercise routine while traveling is all about planning, preparation, and mindfulness. With these five tips in your arsenal, you can enjoy your journey while still making progress toward your fitness goals. Remember, the occasional indulgence is okay – it’s all part of the travel experience. So, pack your bags, stay active, and savor the adventure while staying on track with your health and fitness journey. Safe travels!