Irene lost 30 pounds and 10 inches from her waist!

If you want a little motivation to push harder today, Irene has one of those weight management transformations that is infectious! 

Her back story is similar to many we hear. Irene struggled with her weight for years and finally made the decision to diet and exercise, only to find out they just weren’t enough. 

Irene was able to drop 35 pounds without supplements, but then, everything suddenly stalled. Her weight wasn’t dropping, and her workouts weren’t progressing.

She’d been considering Inno Supps for a while but never pulled the trigger. One day, Irene decided she had nothing to lose since we offered a money-back guarantee and purchased the Thermo Shred Stack. 

After only four months of consistently using the four supplements in the stack, Irene busted past her plateau and was able to…

Drop 30 pounds of body fat …

Shed 10 inches from her waist …

Lose 8 inches on her hips and 4.5 inches in each thigh… 

And pack on body shaping, calorie-shredding lean muscle…

Dropping a grand total of 65 pounds and 24 inches across her entire body only scratches the surface of what losing weight did for Irene. She says she doesn’t only look like a new person; she feels like a new person mentally and physically! 

“I was tired and felt old and run down. Getting out of bed, my joints hurt, and everything ached. The weight management has alleviated all of that in my body. It also brought so much passion back. I was stumbling through life. Now, I feel youthful, strong and alive! It’s an incredible feeling.” 

Irene says she has no doubt that The Thermo Shred Stack’s four supplements played their unique role in helping her lose weight. But of all the supplements in the stack, she says her favorite is probably Inno Cleanse because she knows it was a contributor to the ten inches she was finally able to lose from her stomach! 

“No matter what I did, my belly stayed. With Inno Cleanse, you just feel lighter. It works so well. I thought I’d never be able to get rid of my gut. I looked at my after pictures, and I can see lines,” says Irene.

If anyone understands your hesitance to try supplements, it’s Irene. She waited two years to try Inno Supps. Her only complaint after trying them? That she should have purchased the Thermo Shred Stack sooner!

Click here to try the Thermo Shred Stack risk-free today! We know you will love it as much as Irene and the tens of thousands of other happy customers that have seen similar results!