7 Shocking Testosterone Killers and How To Naturally Get It Back In A Healthy Range

Mature man stretching at yoga

You have probably heard that age is the reason men experience low testosterone. It is true that levels of this crucial hormone naturally decline about 1 percent per year after age 30. But growing evidence shows that age, in itself, isn’t the cause of testosterone drops in healthy older men.

Researchers discovered these drops actually result from poor lifestyle habits, leading to deteriorating health. And this can happen at any age! 

That’s the bad news. The good news is that there are a few simple things men can do to help prevent these excess drops from happening and natural ways to promote testosterone production to combat symptoms of low T. 

But first, let’s explore the signs of low T and some simple ways to avoid these drops and naturally get your testosterone levels back into range. 

Signs of Low Testosterone

Blood tests can be tricky and there isn’t a standard and agreed-upon range for healthy testosterone levels. Most experts agree the best way to determine if your T levels are low is to watch for warning signs. 

Here is a look at some signs you might be suffering from low T:

Sexual Changes – Reduced sexual desire, fewer spontaneous erections, impotence, erectile dysfunction, infertility, decrease in testicle size, reduced sperm count

Physical Changes – Increased body fat and weight, reduced muscle mass and strength, hair loss, enlarged breast size, decreased bone density, low energy levels, changes in sleep patterns, fatigue

Emotional Changes – Lack of motivation; feeling sad, depressed, or irritable; having trouble concentrating

Seven Proven Testosterone Killers

If age isn’t to blame, then what is? Here are the seven most common causes of low T for men of all ages.

1. High stress levels

Stress is proven to have a significant impact on testosterone levels. When the body is under any pressure, it produces more of the stress hormone cortisol. Cortisol is proven to be a testosterone killer. 

Research has shown time and time again that higher cortisol levels will lower T levels — sometimes drastically. If you want to avoid testosterone drops, focus on stress management strategies to help lower cortisol levels. 

2. Being overweight

One thing that is consistent among studies on the cause of testosterone drops is that most men with low T are also overweight

Excessive weight and higher BMI (body mass index) measurements put added stress on your body, which can affect T production and its natural distribution process.

3. Environmental toxins 

Studies show many of the products we use daily determine men’s testosterone levels to a great extent. This is because they might contain endocrine-disrupting chemicals known as xenobiotics, which are shown to mimic the body’s hormones, leading to increases in estrogen and declines in testosterone. 

Common toxins include: 

  • BPA which is found in plastics like water bottles and food storage containers
  • Phthalates in hygiene products such as shampoo and cologne
  • Parabens are preservatives commonly used in products like shaving cream, lotions, hair care products and sunscreen. They are also said to be in some foods and even OTC drugs. 
  • Triclosan, which is added to many antibacterial soaps, body washes, toothpaste and makeup.

It’s impossible to altogether avoid many of these environmental toxins. Try to minimize exposure by ensuring the products you use the most are free of these potential testosterone disruptors.

4. Red meat, processed carbs and foods high in soy 

Don’t worry — you don’t need to completely give up burgers and steak, But you should opt for grass-fed beef and dairy products, which do not have growth hormones like estrogen. 

Regarding carbs, you don’t need to stop eating potatoes and rice. It’s refined carbs and sugars you need to limit. These high-GI foods can trigger the pancreas to secrete insulin into the bloodstream. When insulin levels remain elevated, it can bring down testosterone levels. 

Last, avoiding foods high in soy might be the most significant change you need to make to your diet. This is because these foods contain high amounts of phytoestrogens, which are said to disrupt the natural balance of hormones in your body, reducing the level of testosterone you’re producing.

5. Not prioritizing lifting weights 

Lifting weights does more than make you strong! You also may be giving your testosterone levels an instant boost! Studies show that exercise, specifically weight training and HIIT, increases testosterone levels post-workout. 

Additionally, regular exercise will help keep the pounds off, which is a leading cause of low testosterone levels in men. 

6. Drinking alcohol 

Cracking open a few beers could be hurting your testosterone levels. Beer is manufactured from hops, which contain high levels of phytoestrogens, which can lower testosterone levels.

But not only beer; your nightly glass of whiskey can also impact testosterone. Excess alcohol, in general, contributes to low testosterone in numerous ways… 

  • It can damage cells in the testes responsible for the production of testosterone.
  • It can interfere with something called NAD+, which is responsible for the synthesis of testosterone and the metabolism of alcohol. 
  • Stimulates the release of certain endorphins, which in excess are shown to inhibit the synthesis of testosterone.
  • Increases cortisol, which we already mentioned above drastically suppresses T production.

7. Poor sleep quality and quantity

Studies show that lack of sleep, poor sleep quality and not sticking to a consistent sleep schedule can cause a significant drop in testosterone production. 

Peak T production occurs when we sleep, most of which is made during deep REM sleep. If you aren’t getting 7-9 hours of sleep every night or are tossing and turning all night, you’re depriving yourself of testosterone production time.

Lack of sleep is well-known to increase cortisol, which we know is a testosterone killer. And last, T levels are typically highest in the morning after sleeping. If you don’t keep a consistent sleep schedule, you’re disrupting your body’s normal rhythm of testosterone production.

If you have trouble falling asleep and staying asleep, here are a few ways to improve your sleep, which should improve your T levels.

The Bottom Line…

As you can see, healthy living is the best way to avoid these testosterone drops from happening in the first place. But if you are already experiencing one or more signs of low T, you might need extra help getting them back into a healthy range.  

Testosterone boosters are dietary supplements consisting of natural herbs and are considered a safe way to raise T levels. There are a lot of testosterone boosters on the market, but the truth is most don’t contain clinically backed ingredients, and many that do aren’t in effective dosages. 

When you attack low T naturally, you can not only help your body produce more testosterone, but you can also attack the root cause of why you are experiencing these dips, to begin with.

Click here to learn more about T-Drive and how it can help you naturally boost your testosterone levels.

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