Collagen Rose + Raspberry Yogurt Bark

Cool off and support your weight loss goals with this refreshing Collagen Rose + Raspberry Yogurt Bark. Made with Inno Glow Collagen, this delightful snack is packed with fat-burning benefits and a healthy dose of summer vibes.


1 Scoop of Inno Glow – Strawberry Margarita
2 1/2 Cups Coconut Milk Yogurt
1/2 Cup of Raspberries
1/3 Cup Honey
2 Tsp Rose Powder or Pink Pitaya Powder
1/2 Cup Melted Chocolate
1/4 Cup Pistachios
1 Tsp Cacao Nibs
1 Tbsp Edible Rose Petals (optional)


  1. In a bowl, combine your ½ cup raspberries, yogurt, honey, collagen powder, and rose powder.
  2. Gently fold everything together until well incorporated.
  3. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
  4. Pour the yogurt mixture evenly onto the prepared sheet pan, spreading it into a thin, uniform layer.
  5. Melt your chocolate using your preferred method (microwave, double boiler).
  6. Once melted, drizzle the chocolate over the yogurt base in a decorative pattern.
  7. Use a toothpick to gently swirl the chocolate through the yogurt, creating a marbled effect.
  8. Sprinkle your desired amount of pistachios, cacao nibs, raspberries, and rose petals over the yogurt and chocolate mixture.
  9. Place the baking sheet in the freezer for at least 2 hours, or until the yogurt is completely frozen solid.
  10. Carefully remove the pan from the freezer and allow to thaw for a few minutes.
  11. Use a sharp knife to cut the frozen yogurt bark into bite-sized pieces.

Macros: 195kcal | 8g Carbs | 5g Protein | 7g Fat

Vegan Lemon Protein Tart

Looking for a refreshing and healthy dessert that satisfies your sweet tooth? This Vegan Lemon Protein Tart is the answer! We’ve transformed the classic lemon tart into a plant-based masterpiece, boasting a flaky gluten-free crust and a vibrant, protein-packed lemon filling. Dive into the recipe below and experience a delightful balance of sweet and tart, all guilt-free!


Shortcrust pastry

1 ¼ cups (155g) rice flour

1 scoop of Lemon Sugar Cookie – Clean Vegan Protein

⅓ cup (75g) vegan butter or margarine

3 tablespoons (35g) granulated sugar or coconut sugar

2 tablespoons (30g) cold water (or more as needed)

Lemon filling

1 ¾ cups (420g) thick canned coconut cream

1/2 cup (100g) Xylitol

⅓ cup (80g) lemon juice and zest

⅓ cup (35g) cornstarch / corn flour

2 tablespoons (30g) vegan butter or coconut oil

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Pinch of turmeric


For the Pastry:

  1. Preheat your oven to 180°C (350°F). This ensures your oven is hot enough to cook the pastry properly.
  2. Prepare your tart pan. You can either grease it with butter or cooking spray, or line it with parchment paper. This will prevent the pastry from sticking. Note: If using a loose-bottom pan, lining with parchment paper is recommended for easier removal.
  3. Mix the pastry ingredients. Combine all the dry and wet ingredients for the pastry in a medium bowl or food processor. Pulse or whisk until everything is well combined and a dough forms.
  4. Roll out the pastry. Lightly flour a clean work surface and rolling pin. Roll out the pastry dough into a large circle, aiming for a thickness of about ¼ inch (6 mm).
  5. Transfer the dough to the pan. Carefully lift the rolled-out pastry dough and place it over your prepared tart pan. Gently press the dough into the base and sides, ensuring it fits snugly. Use your fingers or a spoon to mold it.
  6. Trim the excess dough. Use a sharp knife to cut off any overhanging dough around the rim of the pan.
  7. Pre-bake the crust (optional). Prick the bottom of the pastry crust with a fork a few times. This allows steam to escape while baking and prevents the bottom from becoming soggy. Bake the empty pastry shell for 10-15 minutes, or until lightly golden brown. This step helps to partially cook the pastry before adding the filling. Let the pre-baked crust cool slightly in the pan before filling.

For the Filling:

  1. Combine the filling ingredients. In a medium saucepan, whisk together all the ingredients for the filling. Make sure the cornstarch (corn flour) is well dispersed to avoid lumps.
  2. Cook and thicken the filling. Bring the mixture to a medium-high heat and whisk constantly for 5-10 minutes. The mixture should thicken quickly and become thick enough to coat the back of a spoon.
  3. Blend smooth (optional). If there are any lumps in the mixture, use an immersion blender (stick blender) to smooth it out for a silky texture.
  4. Fill the tart shell. Carefully pour the hot filling into your pre-baked (or cooled) tart shell. Use a spoon to spread the filling evenly across the surface.
  5. Chill and set. Place the filled tart in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours, or until the filling is completely set and firm to the touch.
  6. Decorate and serve. Once chilled and set, you can decorate your tart as desired with fresh fruit, whipped cream, or powdered sugar. Slice and enjoy immediately!

Calories: 285kcal | Carbohydrates: 26g | Protein: 3g | Fat: 20g | Fiber: 2g | Sugar: 8g

Tub of Clean Vegan Protein - Complete Protein For Weight Loss

Supercharge Your Dad Life: 6 Tips for Optimal Health + Wellness

Fatherhood is a rewarding and fulfilling journey, but it can also be demanding and leave little time for self-care. As a busy dad, it’s crucial to prioritize your health and well-being so you can be the best version of yourself for your family.

This Father’s Day, make a commitment to take control of your health with these 6 practical and effective tips that target all angles of male wellness. 

1. Prioritize quality sleep — Sleep is often sacrificed in the hustle and bustle of parenting. However, getting enough quality sleep is essential for your overall health and well-being. Establish a consistent sleep schedule by going to bed and waking up at the same time every day. Create a relaxing bedtime routine to signal your body that it’s time to wind down. 

Restless nights and waking up tired? Night Shred maximizes the quantity and quality of your sleep while priming the body with relaxation and reduced stress. Formulated with natural, thermogenic ingredients, Night Shred also accelerates fat loss by boosting the metabolism while at rest. 

2. Move your body regularly — Consistent physical exercise is crucial for maintaining optimal health. Despite a busy schedule, find ways to incorporate movement into your routine. You don’t have to spend hours in the gym; even short bursts of activity can make a difference. Consider ways to increase your NEAT (Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis) or engage in fun activities with your kids that involve movement. Find an exercise routine that you enjoy and can stick to consistently. 

Looking to take your fitness goals to the next level? The Thermo Shred Stack has transformed hundreds of lives, including dads like you! This best-selling combo is designed to supercharge your results; revving up your metabolism, forcing your body to torch stubborn fat cells, flush out pounds of backed-up poop and optimize better sleep and recovery!

3. Manage stress and mental well-being — Being a father comes with its share of stress and responsibilities. Taking care of your mental well-being is just as important as physical health. Find healthy ways to manage stress, such as meditation, reading, listening to music or spending quality time with your loved ones. These simple changes will positively impact your overall quality of life. 

4. Nourish your body with healthy foods — Maintaining a balanced, nutritious diet is essential for your well-being. Aim to consume a variety of whole foods, including fibrous vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains and healthy fats. Plan your meals in advance to avoid relying on fast food or processed snacks as a last resort. With that, prioritize home-cooked meals and involve your family in meal preparation for quality time together.

5. Optimize gut health — There’s a reason why they call the gut our “second brain.” Gut health is a key factor in maintaining good physical and mental health. Focus on consuming high-fiber foods, stay hydrated daily and practice mindful eating. 

Pro tip: The Complete Gut Health Stack arms you with EVERYTHING you need to transform your gut and well-being. By optimizing your gut with prebiotics, probiotics, postbiotics and essential gut-loving herbs, you can accelerate weight loss, reduce bloating, improve your mental clarity and MORE!

6. Enhance your overall male vitality — Prioritizing vitality health is essential for men to lead fulfilling lives, maintain physical and mental well-being, age gracefully and enjoy strong relationships. From boosting your testosterone levels, improving circulation and everything in between, taking proactive steps to maintain vitality can potentially reduce the risk of age-related diseases and lead you to a long life of health and prosperity. 

Pro tip: The Supercharged Male Stack is a triple-threat performance enhancer that optimizes male health and vitality from 3 main angles: naturally boosts testosterone, quality sleep and blood flow to all the right places.

Make a commitment to take control of your health and be a positive role model for those that look up to you. By incorporating lifestyle practices like these, you can optimize your overall health, performance and vitality. It’s important to remember that each person’s journey toward vitality may be unique, so it’s beneficial to seek guidance from healthcare professionals and make personalized choices that align with individual needs and goals.

“I lost 13 lbs without even trying!” Here’s how Rosa Jean flushed out her weight

Millions of people have trouble pooping.

And that’s only ONE tummy trouble people suffer with.

Millions have other gastrointestinal issues like excess bloating, gas, bouts of diarrhea, heartburn, reflux, etc. 

Like Rosa Jean, who tried everything for her colon condition, even prescribed medication.

Nothing worked until she discovered our safe, natural and gentle formula that has helped her and THOUSANDS of sufferers find relief.

The Complete Gut Health Stack provides more than an initial “flush” of pounds of toxic waste.

“I ended up with a redundant colon and was put on 6-7 different medications by doctors. Nothing was working. I started taking the Complete Gut Health Stack for months now and I can’t live without it. It’s been fantastic! I lost a good 13 pounds without even trying!”

It is the best way to support your gut health and create a healthy and diverse microbiome– that will make weight loss easier!  

Most consistent users say that the Complete Gut Health Stack has also helped them:

✓ Flush up to 10 pounds of waste

✓ Maintain a healthy gut and good digestion

✓ Attain a tighter and slimmer waistline

✓ Reduce bloating and occasional constipation

✓ Lose weight faster AND keep it off! 

Enhance Gut Health Reduce Bloating and Improve Overall Wellness

Jerry lost 200 pounds with this stack and kept it off!

We get thousands of success stories from people who lost weight with the help of Inno Supps. 

We LOVE knowing our supplements help people fit into their “skinny jeans” again. But it’s the stories where someone’s quality of life has improved that really pull at our heartstrings. 

Jerry is a perfect example of this kind of transformation…

Not long ago, the 33-year-old weight had climbed to almost 400 pounds. He knew he needed to lose weight for his own health, but he also wanted to be a good role model for his young daughter, who has type 1 diabetes.

Jerry set out to lose weight and gain muscle in the most natural way possible. He cleaned up his diet and started to exercise… but unfortunately, that only got him so far.

Like many people, Jerry hit a plateau. Until he stumbled upon an advertisement for the Thermo Shred Stack.

He started taking the four-supplement fat-burning dream team, and finally, after years of struggling to lose weight, the pounds began to fall off. 

Thanks to a faster metabolism, less ravish appetite, more energy, quality sleep and improved gut health– Jerry lost 200 pounds and has been able to keep it off!! 

Whether it’s someone losing 5 pounds or 200 with the help of Inno Shred and Volcarn…

Someone finally getting consistent cortisol-crushing quality sleep for the first time in their life using Night Shred

Or those that have finally rid themselves of bloating, GI issues or trimmed their waist with the help of Inno Cleanse

We can’t put into words what your testimonies mean to us here at Inno Supps.

From day one, our mission has been to develop cutting-edge, clean supplements you can trust that will supercharge your health and fitness results from within. Stories like Jerry’s are proof we are helping people do that! 

The Thermo Shred Stack took Jerry’s results to the next level, helping him drop 200 pounds!! Are you next?!

Click here to give the Thermo Shred Stack a try!

Supercharge Fat Burning & Ignite Your Metabolism - Inno Shred - Inno Cleanse - Volcarn - Night Shred - Inno Spresso - Night Shred Black - Carb Cut Complete - Inno Shred Focus

Night Shred vs. Night Shred Black – Which One Is Better For Your Sleep?

Are you struggling to get quality sleep at night? 

There are quite a few options on the market to choose from. Melatonin is probably the most well-known. Then there’s the antihistamine diphenhydramine HCl, otherwise known as the ingredient in Benadryl that makes you sleepy. 

The problem with these popular OTC sleep aids is they eventually stop working or leave people groggy. And that’s even after a full night of sleep. 

As a result, many have turned to more natural sleep solutions.

Let’s compare the two so you can decide for yourself which is best for you!

Ashwagandha vs. Zylaria™

Ashwagandha is an ancient herb with a long list of potential benefits. These range from boosting testosterone production and enhancing sexual function to reducing stress and anxiety. Some even say it also sharpens memory and focus. 

It works well for many people that struggle to fall asleep due to stress. But the rare fungus xylaria is closing in on ashwagandha as a preferred natural sleep solution. Especially for those that have trouble falling and staying asleep. 


Zylaria™ is a premium form of the fungus xylaria, also known as Candlesnuff Fungus. This medicinal mushroom is commonly used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat various ailments, including fatigue, weakness, and poor appetite. 

In recent years, scientists and sleep experts have discovered that compounds in the mushroom have sedative properties that work differently than other natural sleep herbs. 

Studies show that compounds found in Zylaria™ can have a calming effect on the central nervous system that don’t knock you out like many herbs. Instead, the fungus helps send relaxing messages to your nerve cells, allowing you to wind down and close all those open tabs in your brain and wind down so you can fall asleep.

This is primarily due to xylaria’s ability to replenish GABA, an essential amino acid that the brain uses to communicate with the brain and body. 

And the sleep benefits of this rare mushroom don’t end there…. 

Zylaria™ helps promote deeper, more restful sleep and helps you stay asleep longer without waking up groggy the following day, leading to improved sleep efficiency and a decrease in the number of times a person wakes up during the night. 

It also helps reset the body’s natural clock, improving sleep patterns, which is crucial for overall sleep health. 


In contrast, ashwagandha is an adaptogenic herb. It is known for its stress-reducing properties and has been traditionally used to promote overall wellness, improve mental clarity, enhance sexual function, boost testosterone and support the immune system.

While ashwagandha can help to promote relaxation and reduce anxiety, it is not typically used as a sedative and may not have the same potent effect on sleep as Zylaria™.

Another way ashwagandha helps some people sleep is that it is known to reduce levels of cortisol, a stress hormone, which may help to improve the overall quality of sleep, but it doesn’t have the same direct sedative effects as Zylaria™.

Ashwagandha is well documented to improve sleep quality in people with chronic stress. But studies on its effect on insomnia are limited.

The Bottom Line…

Both ashwagandha and Zylaria™ have unique benefits and are well-documented for calming the mind, which can improve sleep. That said, they are not exactly interchangeable.

For example, sleep aids with ashwagandha may be more beneficial for people dealing with daily stress and anxiety. While sleep aids with Zylaria™ may be more helpful for those who can’t seem to wind down at night and want to improve the overall quality of their sleep.

The preference for Zylaria™ over ashwagandha for sleep depends on an individual’s specific sleep concerns. Zylaria™ is known for its calming, sedative properties and potential to improve overall sleep quality. While ashwagandha is known for its stress-reducing properties and overall wellness-promoting effects. 

Now, you decide. Which one is best for you?

Trim the Waist While Sleeping- Night Shred Black

“3 Supplements That Saved My Sex Life and Supercharged My Performance”

Check out this story from one of our loyal Inno Supps customers on how the Supercharged Male Stack changed his life — in more ways than one!

Not long after my 38th birthday, I found myself experiencing an alarming decline in my manhood. Aren’t your 30s supposed to be the prime of your life? How could I suffer from low sex drive, fatigue, weight gain, brain fog and feeling stressed out and irritable all the time? 

I tried eating better and working out more, but no matter what I tried, nothing helped.

One evening, I was lying in bed with my wife, too exhausted to even think about having sex but still unable to fall asleep, so I jumped on social media. As I scrolled, an ad for the Supercharged Male Stack popped up. 

Call it desperation or a nudge from the universe, but I clicked on the ad and started reading the claims and comments. As I read story after story of men who swore the three products in the stack changed their life, I took the risk and clicked “buy.” 

After three months of consistently taking the three supplements in the Supercharged Male Stack, I can vouch that they really are the best fat-burning supplements for men!

I lost weight and gained muscle, but beyond that, I’m killing it at work, and most importantly, my bedroom is seeing lots of sex and sleep! 

Here is how the three supplements that make up the Supercharged Male Stack gave me my manhood back— and saved my marriage.

1. T-Drive Optimized My Testosterone Levels


I never considered low testosterone could be why I suffered from a lack of energy, weight gain and low libido. I’m only 38, and I assumed drops don’t happen until later in life. 

But after doing some research, I learned that levels start to drop in our early 30s, and many other factors besides age can cause them to plummet.

In my testosterone research, I also read up about natural ingredients proven to help boost testosterone levels. Sure enough, the most effective ones are in T-Drive. 

T-Drive has a total of nine natural ingredients in clinically effective dosages. The ingredient with the most clinical backing— KSM-66® ashwagandha, is a special extract of ashwagandha proven to lower the stress hormone cortisol by 27.9%.

What does cortisol have to do with testosterone? Well, apparently, the stress hormone is a testosterone killer. T-drive contains 675 mg of cortisol-lowering KSM-66®.

But lowering cortisol and boosting free testosterone is just the start of what this well-known adaptogen can do. It’s also shown to supercharge sperm production, volume and motility.

In one study, male patients with a low sperm count who consumed 675 mg of KSM-66® ashwagandha daily experienced a: 

  • 167% increase in sperm count 
  • 53% increase in semen volume
  • 57% increase in sperm motility
  • 17% increase in serum testosterone levels 

There are also nine other natural ingredients in T-Drive clinically shown to boost testosterone levels and sexual performance in men:

  • Boron
  • Zinc 
  • Fenugreek
  • Magnesium
  • Niacin 
  • Vitamin D3 
  • Coleus Forskohlii
  • Tribulus Terrestris
  • Epimedium

I can’t speak for other T boosters since this is the first one I’ve tried. But I can say T-Drive lives up to its claims. I have more energy, and my sex drive has skyrocketed!

To ensure it wasn’t a “placebo effect,” I had my testosterone levels checked before and after taking T-Drive. After three months of consistent use, my free test markers drastically improved.

2. Nitro Wood Supercharged Whole Body Circulation 

Nitro Wood

Until I read up about Nitro Wood, the circulation and blood flow enhancer in the Supercharged Male Stack, I never considered the importance of healthy blood flow.

Our bodies need optimal blood flow for strength and endurance in the gym, mental clarity and focus, energy, and heart health. Plus, healthy circulation is critical for getting an erection and lasting longer in the bedroom. 

According to cardiologists, nitric oxide is your lifeline for improving blood flow to the entire body when and where you need it. The main ingredient in Nitro Wood is called S7™ and may help your body increase nitric oxide production by up to 230%.

Nitro Wood also includes a blend of other natural ingredients that enhance nitric oxide production, relax blood vessels, and/or help support healthy circulation.

  • Vitamin C 
  • Niacin
  • Maritime Pine Bark
  • Cinnamon 
  • Beetroot 
  • Garlic 
  • Grape Seed 

The massive boost in nitric oxide and enhanced blood flow from the circulation-boosting ingredients in Nitro Wood no doubt gave me an increase in performance in the gym, at work and in the bedroom.

I feel more focused, I get better pumps and rep out more weight in the gym and sexual satisfaction between the sheets drastically improved! 

3. Night Shred Black Helped Me Feel Refreshed and Energized

Night Shred Black

I’ve always known sleep is vital for muscle recovery and energy, but I never knew how important rest is for testosterone production and weight management. I guess that’s why Inno Supps included a fat-burning sleep aid with the Supercharged Male Stack.

They have two formulas to choose from, the original Night Shred and Night Shred Black. Both have similar ingredients; the main difference is that Night Shred has ashwagandha, and Night Shred Black has Zylaria™.

Since I was already getting a good amount of KSM-66® in T-Drive, I went with the black edition. It contains Zylaria™, a rare fungus rich in vitamins, minerals, micro-nutrients, amino acids and essential nutrients to help your body relax. 

Zylaria is shown to increase your body’s GABA production. More GABA means you will fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer, and wake up energized with less stress and a better mood! 

Night Shred Black also includes nine other natural ingredients shown to help improve sleep:

  • GABA 
  • Chamomile 
  • Passionflower Powder 
  • Valerian Root Powder
  • (5-HTP) L-Tryptophan
  • Melatonin

It also has a PM Fat-Burning Complex that helps your body burn more fat while you do nothing but sleep:

  • CLA (goFAT®): Shown to stimulate fat-burning in the body.
  • Grains of Paradise (Paradoxine®): Helps boost metabolism by stimulating the body to produce more brown adipose tissue.
  • L-Carnitine, L-Tartrate: Known to help enhance fat burn, improve athletic performance and decrease recovery time from exercise.

Before buying the Supercharged Male Stack, I was like most men and thought I didn’t “need” sleep. It wasn’t until Night Shred Black helped me sleep better and longer that I realized how crucial sleep is for your overall health and “manhood.’

Now that I consistently get 7-9 hours of sound sleep every night, my performance has improved in the gym, work and the bedroom.

I’m also confident that the PM Fat Burning Complex in Night Shred Black is at least partially responsible for the 20 pounds I was able to lose. I no longer have nighttime cravings and wake up with tons of energy to crush my workouts.

The Bottom Line…

After taking the Supercharged Male Stack for 90 days, I’ve experienced supercharged performance in every aspect of my life. 

  • I’ve lost over 20 lbs and put on lean muscle.  
  • I wake up with energy and fewer food cravings. 
  • My focus and concentration have improved. 
  • My mood has improved. I’m no longer grumpy and irritable. 
  • I have more strength and endurance in the gym, and my body recovers faster.

But I’m most grateful for the “bedroom boost” it gave me that likely saved my marriage. My sex drive is back, and I “last longer,” if you know what I mean. 

If you are hesitant, I get it. I was too. 

But I am proof that optimizing your hormone levels, supercharging circulation, and promoting great sleep can change your life. The Supercharged Male Stack really is the ultimate triple-threat male performance booster that will help get you there! 

Check out Inno Supps’ website to learn more and get your supply.

Boost Female Vitality And Wellness from the Inside Out!

Which Inno Shred Is For You?

Today, we want to answer a question we get a lot about our three different Inno Shred fat-burners!

We want EVERYONE to experience the edge that a quality fat burner can give in getting to your goals! But we know everybody has slightly different goals and tolerance to stimulants. Lucky for you, we have three different Inno Shreds to choose from — the original Inno Shred, Inno Shred Stimulant Free and Inno Shred Focus.

First, let’s start with the ingredients you can find in all three:

Let’s start with how they’re the same…

1. All three contain Capsicum: We use a unique type of this cayenne pepper fruit extract called Capsimax®. Along with proper exercise and diet, capsicum has the potential to:

  • Help target stubborn body fat and use it for energy.
  • Reduce your day and nighttime cravings and overall appetite.
  • Skyrocket your metabolism and increase energy.

2. All three contain Paradoxine: This is a unique extract of grains of paradise that is said to aid in weight loss by:

  • Helping increase the production of brown fat. This is the GOOD fat your body needs to help maintain a leaner body.
  • Naturally speeding up your metabolism when active and at rest without cutting extra calories or adding more exercise. 

3. All three contain Green Tea Extract: EGCG has been shown to help improve health and body composition by:

  • Helping reduce body mass index
  • Increasing fat burn/oxidation
  • Helping you burn fat while you are at rest 

Also, all three are made with veggie caps that are not made from gelatin, making all three vegan-friendly. 

Now, let’s talk about how they’re different…

Inno Shred: Contains 200 mg of caffeine. We use an organic caffeine powder from green coffee beans called PurCaf®. Caffeine is a mild appetite suppressant and helps aid in fat loss by amplifying your body’s fat-burning process during exercise and increasing your basal metabolic rate. This version of Inno Shred also has rauwolscine, a rare variation of yohimbine that can help stimulate your central nervous system and help burn stubborn body fat that would typically sit dormant.

Inno Shred Stimulant Free: You still get all the same fat-burning benefits that regular Inno Shred has to offer in this version. Only this formula is stimulant-free! It’s great for those sensitive to caffeine or who just want to combine a fat-burner with a pre-workout or supplement that may already have caffeine. 

Inno Shred Focus: This version contains powerful nootropics shown to boost cognitive function and increase mental drive. We also included an additional appetite suppression carb-blocking matrix in this formula to amplify fat burn and boost the metabolism.

Now that we’ve given you the “skinny” on our popular and super effective fat-burners, you decide! Which Inno Shred is for you?

12 Interesting Facts About Female Sex Drive, Orgasms and More

Sex and sexual desire are different for every woman. Even your own libido will change numerous times throughout your life (heck, even multiple times a day).

There are lots of sneaky causes of low sex drive in women. Sexual desire is complicated, and so are all the ways it connects to our physical and mental health. Did you know that the root cause of your lack of desire could be the same reason you are putting on pounds or unable to lose weight?! 

Here are 12 fun facts about the female sex drive you might not know, some reasons for its rise and fall that might shock you, what it might be trying to tell you about your weight struggles, and a simple solution that will have you loving your libido and getting rid of your love handles at the same time!

Everything You Didn’t Know About Female Sex Hormones, Desire and Orgasms

1. Being well hydrated leads to better orgasms: Because the body is primarily fluid, being hydrated enhances your ability to achieve an amazing orgasm. Don’t like water? Try enhancing your H2O with fruit or natural BCAAs

2. Low libido has little to do with you growing old: Desire and age don’t necessarily go hand and hand. In fact, studies actually show that sexual satisfaction increases with age. The age correlation likely has to do with hormones that get out of whack during menopause, which happens later in life.

There are plenty of herbs found in nature that can help with that when you go through “the change.” Ironically, many of them can also enhance your libido! 

3. Tequila makes your clothes fall off, but it also dries up your lady bits: Get a little frisky when drunk? You aren’t alone. Studies claim women who drink are more interested in sex. But there is a caveat — too much alcohol can make your vagina dry, making sex less enjoyable and maybe even painful.

Stick to a glass or two of wine instead of the entire bottle. Speaking of wine, studies show that the aroma of wine replicates human pheromones, the chemical substances that cause behavioral responses in humans. Cheers! 

4. Eat your way to a spiced up sex life. You must have heard about aphrodisiacs. Well, apparently, if you make some quick fixes in your lifestyle and add aphrodisiac foods like oysters and dark chocolate to your diet; and herbs like spicy chili peppers, ginseng, tribulus, epimedium, damiana and maca, then you can reap some orgasmic benefits. 

5. Stress will sabotage your sex life. Stress and sex don’t go hand in hand. When stressed out, your body releases the stress hormone cortisol, which decreases your sex drive. It is impossible to eliminate stress, but you can help manage it.

Focus on relaxation techniques and consider supplementing with herbs clinically shown to lower stress, like ashwagandha. Just make sure you are taking it in the correct dosages, like the one in this female performance and vitality booster.  

6. Women think about getting it on almost as much as men. Psychologists found that women think about sex roughly 18.6 times a day, whereas getting it on crosses the minds of men about 24 times a day.

Curious if you think about sex more than your girlfriends? Compare text history. According to a match.com survey, 36 percent to 40 percent of people who think about sex several times a day use more than one emoji in every text.

7. Women have the “male” sex hormone and need it for a healthy libido. You may think of testosterone as primarily a male hormone, but the fact is that women rely on healthy testosterone levels to maintain good sexual health, as well. An imbalance of testosterone in the female body can have damaging effects on a woman’s health and sex drive.

Exercise, sleep, cutting down on processed sugar and supplementing with natural herbs and vitamins like vitamin D, zinc and ashwagandha are all shown to boost testosterone production.

8. Exercise gives women better orgasms (and might cause one, too). Did you know that some women are said to be able to orgasm while working out, thanks to repetitive core movement?! Talk about motivation, lol! If you aren’t one of the gifted ones pleasured while planking, your workout could still give you a better “O” once you get home.

Exercise primes the body for sexual activity by increasing blood flow to the genitals, making women more aroused. This feeling is at its strongest 15 minutes after exercise. So skip the treadmill after your lift and rush home for some sex instead. You’ll be doing cardio anyway, considering 30 minutes of sex burns about 200 calories! 

9. Sex makes “aunt flo’s visit” better. Women who have sex at least once a week have more regular menstrual cycles and want sex more when she visits. Our monthly period also has a big impact on sexual desire. There is a “horny” spot in the ovarian cycle.

Unfortunately, approximately 70 percent of men refuse to have sex during their partner’s period. Thank goodness for vibrators. Don’t blush. A U.S. survey shows that at least 55 percent of female participants owned at least one vibrator. 

10. Women have longer orgasms than men. The average male orgasm lasts six seconds; the average female orgasm lasts 20 seconds. That is… if you have healthy circulation. Women at any age can have lackluster blood flow. If you want record duration and powerful orgasms, you need blood flowing beneath the belt. Luckily, several natural herbs can promote better blood flow, therefore, better and longer orgasms

11.  Your sex organs have a “royal” meaning. The word “clitoris” is Greek for “divine and goddess-like.” Bow down, gentleman, bow down. Jokes aside, as women, we all want to think we’re goddesses in the bedroom, but the reality is that some of us may struggle at various times with sexual desire and satisfaction.

There are several causes of low sex drive in women and why we sometimes have less than “exciting” orgasms. Relational issues, self-esteem struggles, stress and imbalanced hormones lead the list. 

12. The same reason you don’t want to have sex could be why you can’t lose weight.  If you’ve found yourself not in the mood and also have put on some weight or aren’t responding to diet and exercise, it may be the same root cause — your hormones are low or imbalanced. While this is more likely to happen to women over 40, hormone imbalances can occur at ANY age. This is probably the No. 1 reason women lack sexual desire.

If you want to see if you have some of the symptoms of hormone imbalance, check out this quick read. There are five tell-tell signs you might be overlooking! 

Balance The Hormones That Drain Your Libido and Expand Your Waistline

If you are unhappy with your sex drive, think you are experiencing hormonal weight gain, or are just looking for a safe and effective way to get your female vitality back, there are natural herbs that can safely and easily help balance things out.

Certain adaptogens and nutrients like ashwagandha, B vitamins, zinc, shatavari, maca root, damiana, epimedium, and tribulus are all shown to help balance hormonal fluctuations that regulate weight and impact your sexual health and overall female vitality. 

Finding these herbs in one supplement and in effective dosages is challenging, but you can find them all in a women’s sexual health supplement called Inno Drive: For Her.

Some pretty impressive statistics back up the two main ingredients in Inno Drive: For Her.


This is a unique form of the highly studied adaptogen ashwagandha. Studies show that after eight weeks of taking KSM-66® ashwagandha, females diagnosed with female sexual dysfunction experienced:

  • Substantial improvements in female sexual dysfunction
  • Significant increase in arousal and lubrication 
  • Considerable improvements in orgasm and sexual satisfaction 

Research also suggests that women who consume ashwagandha experience increased libido, lubrication and satisfaction.

And as mentioned earlier, ashwagandha is known to help lower stress levels, which is a sex drive killer. It is also known to help balance out stress hormones that lead to weight gain. 


Remember above when several fun facts talked about blood flow? Boosting nitric oxide is one of the best ways to improve circulation below the belt. That is exactly what S7® is known to do. 

This unique combination of seven plant-based superfoods has been studied and shown to help the body increase its own nitric oxide production by up to 230%!

While those are the two star ingredients in Inno Drive: For Her. It contains a total of 15 research-backed herbs, botanicals, vitamins and minerals and natural aphrodisiacs.

Inno Drive: For Her so powerful at giving you your drive back and balancing the hormones that cause weight gain, even physicians and a top urologist specializing in sexual dysfunction suggests it to her female patients! 

Final Feisty Thoughts…

The female body is fascinating. Science shows we have stronger immune systems than men, have better memories, a higher pain threshold, and more. But being a lady also has some downfalls that can cause us to lose our youthful va va voom and experience hormonal weight gain. 

It is possible to love your libido and lose your love handles, and Inno Drive: For Her promises to do just that. 

These vegan-friendly female sex pills only have to be taken once a day and contain a unique blend of natural vitamins, minerals and herbs shown to help…

  • Promote healthy hormone balance 
  • Stimulate and support libido
  • Boost arousal and sexual stimulation
  • Lower stress hormones
  • Improve cognitive function and brain health 

3 Ways Collagen Is Great for Your Body

People have always been obsessed with anti-aging. While billions are spent to develop new treatments to slow the aging process, customers have been raving about our new multi-collagen complex, Inno Glow!

Our inboxes have been overflowing with testimonials from people who are already seeing reverse-aging results thanks to this beauty-enhancing formula.

Here are 3 ways you can benefit significantly from this vital protein…

1. It’s the ultimate anti-aging source

Collagen is significant for…

✓ Plump, youthful skin

✓ Strong, fast-growing nails

✓ Thick, healthy hair

As we age, we lose the limited collagen in our bodies. Doctors believe this may be the direct cause of signs of aging like saggy skin, wrinkles, thinning hair and brittle nails…

But countless studies have shown that restoring collagen and your natural collagen production may “reverse” these signs of aging.

2. Optimizes digestion & gut health

Our gut health is a huge reflection of our overall health including our brain function, immune system, hormones and more. Even our skin can indicate if there are issues with our gut. 

Luckily, daily supplementation has been shown to:

✓ Promote healthy digestion

✓ Reduce bloating

✓ Enhance overall gut health

3. Supports joints & lean muscle

Collagen protects your joints and allows them to function as they should. But as we age, we lose up to 1% or more each year which can lead to joint issues. Studies show that collagen is effective for reducing joint pain in athletes and patients with arthritis.

Plus, it has also been shown to help with recovery and building lean muscle mass which means less body fat!

If you haven’t seen it yet…

==> Click here to discover Inno Glow!

Our cutting-edge formual helps reverse signs of aging, stimulate collagen production from within and more. 

Board-certified urologist, Dr. Anika Ackerman says…

“Replenishing lost collagen is VITAL for any woman looking to improve the appearance of wrinkles, smooth their skin and restore their youthful glow, which is why I highly recommend this product.”

Unlike many collagens on the market, Inno Glow contains THREE different sources for optimized age-reversing benefits in just one scoop!

==> Shop our doctor-approved multi-collagen Inno Glow to boost beauty from the inside out.

Happy glowin!

Reverse Signs of Aging and Amplify Weight Loss

Protein: Why Your Body Needs It

If there’s one thing that can help you eat less and increase the chance you’ll lose weight, it’s getting more protein. 

However, approximately one billion people worldwide have inadequate protein intake. This is especially true for vegans and older adults. In fact, one study found that adults aged 50+ only consume about 16–50g per day! 

This number is way too low! Protein is an integral part of any diet and even more important if you are hitting the gym and trying to lose weight. 

A lack of this essential macronutrient can cause:

  • A loss of muscle mass
  • Poor strength and endurance 
  • Hunger and cravings
  • Brain fog and fatigue
  • Slower recovery from workouts and injuries
  • A lower immune response 
  • Thinning hair, brittle nails and dry skin
  • A slow metabolism (which could lead to weight gain or weight loss resistance.)

We get it… being on the go makes it hard to eat enough protein throughout the day. If you are vegan, it can be even harder to consume enough protein.

That’s where a quality plant based formula can help fill the gaps! 

Our Clean Vegan Protein provides 24 g pea protein isolate, the most bioavailable and superior form of plant-based protein. It also features a greens blend, an antioxidant blend and a digestive blend for maximum absorption! It is the perfect option for vegans and those that avoid dairy.

AND… unlike many other vegan proteins on the market, Clean Vegan contains no fillers or artificial sweeteners and is low carb. With Inno Supps Clean Vegan you get nothing but clean whole body nutrition in every scoop! 

PLUS… Clean Vegan is delicious! We promise it doesn’t mean it tastes like dirt.  In fact, many of our customers prefer the taste of Clean Vegan over our best-selling whey isolate Advanced Iso! 

Clean Vegan comes in a wide range of flavors, doesn’t cause bloat, blends easily and can be used in many recipes – like smoothies, protein pancakes and other protein-packed treats! 

Grab yours today for a convenient and delicious way to ensure you don’t become one of the millions that become deficient.

Beginner’s Guide to Meal Prepping

Prepping your meals ahead of time can help you make more mindful eating decisions and save time and money, but it can also be overwhelming. So here are 5 tips to make meal prep easier: 

1️. Meal Prep, Not Plan: Some people like to map out their exact meals and don’t mind eating the same food all week, but this might not be the most straightforward approach. Instead, pick the meats, carbs and veggies you want for the week and batch cook them so they can easily be turned into a bunch of different meals. This takes less time and gives you food flexibility. From there, you can portion into individual containers for the entire week or only for the following day. 

2. Look For Shortcuts: Frozen fruit and veggies are among the best and least expensive foods to use when meal prepping. If you prefer fresh produce, buying pre-cut is a huge time saver. If pre-cut isn’t in your budget, we suggest you prep before you prep! As soon as you get home from the store, before you put anything in the fridge, do all of the washing, peeling, cutting and chopping. This same concept applies to meat. Head to the freezer section and grab some pre-cooked frozen chicken, beef or shrimp. You could even purchase a fresh rotisserie chicken from the deli! Canned tuna is an easy, no-cook protein to add to salads or snacks for a more budget-friendly option. 

3. Multi-Task: The more you have going at once, the more time you’ll save! Always have items roasting or baking in the oven and cooking on the stove simultaneously. While they are cooking, you can throw together “uncooked” things like salads, pre-measured baggies of fruit and protein powder for your smoothies, etc. Also, don’t forget about meals that cook themselves! Overnight oats and chia seed pudding are excellent no-cook, prep it, forget it, grab-and-go options! 

4. Invest In Kitchen Gadgets: If you want to make multi-tasking even easier, buying a few kitchen gadgets is worth it! Things like a pressure cooker, veggie chopper and air fryer are excellent ways to speed up meal prep! Oh, and don’t forget about a slow cooker! You can “cook” while you sleep or are at work! 

5. Overlap Ingredients: We believe the best approach is to keep it simple. A protein, a carb, a veggie and a healthy fat that keeps or freezes well – that’s all you need. Then you can individualize each meal with different condiments and seasonings. But if you prefer creative recipes, find ones that use the same protein, carbs and veggies but use different herbs, sauces or seasonings.

Meal prep is just like diet and exercise – there isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach. Don’t overcomplicate things, use a method that is best for your lifestyle and, most importantly, one you can stick to.